Tom Sullivan

With over 40 years of metalworking experience Tom Sullivan's studio was formed in 1995 as a way to take his experience in metalworking to make fun stuff that was handed out to friends as gifts and yard art.

Tom said "It wasn’t long before people were actually wanting to pay us to make some of these strange things we were making and our little cottage industry was formed."

Over the years Tom has shown his work at several galleries including Erewhon Galleries- Akron/Cuyahoga Falls, Scaravelli Galleries- Little Italy, Hazel Tree- Akron, Studio 2091-Cuyahoga Falls, the foundation Room at the House of Blues Cleveland, and countless shows and festivals in northeast Ohio including The Hessler Street Fair, Arts Tremont, Kent Art in the Park, and many others. Plus stories written about his work in Buzzbin Magazine, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Cool Cleveland, and appearances in some of the local papers as well.

For 9 years Tom had been Artists in Residence at Studio 2091 Mothersbaugh Gallery. During that time he participated in many group shows and taught in some of the classes and clinics the gallery offered.

In February of 2020 musician Chris Butler and The Panza Foundation commissioned Tom to make the trophies for the Akron Music Awards. This will be an ongoing commission and was the initial recipients fell in love with their scrap art creations. 

Public works include:

Journey to the Reef and the Akron Zoo (all the steel fish throughout the exhibit)

Inside furnishings and Barware at Cashmere Cricket in Cuyahoga Falls

Our home and studio at 447 Tallmadge Rd  Cuyahoga Falls
